Finned Strip Heaters 40x70mm and 5.4W/cm²
Finned Strip Heaters 40x70mm and 5.4W/cm²
Finned Strip Heaters 40x70mm and 5.4W/cm², introduction. Finned Strip Heaters it’s made in UE are divided into 2 categories. First categori ø8mm AISI 304L and AISI321, ø8.5mm AISI 321 and 10mm AISI 304L and AISI321. with stainless steel and rectangular fins. Second type is from stainless steel ø10mm AISI 321 and circular spiral fins having between 7-8 W/cm².
Finned Strip Heaters with rectangular fins are of three types:
First type with ø10mm stainless steel tube and 40x70mm fins with 5.4 W/cm². Second type with ø8mm stainless steel tube and 25x50mm fins with 4.4W/cm². The third model, types with ø8.5mm stainless steel tube and 25x50mm fins with 4W/cm². In these models the fins are fixed by tightening. Finned strip heaters, short technical description. Finned strip heaters often considered component heaters. Are an electric heating element that maximizes heat intensity and transfer effectively in an area. Steel fin strip heaters are an excellent industrial heating product that can be easily controlled by using a heating control panel.
Finned Strip Heaters 40x70mm and 5.4W/cm²
Mechanical bi-metal thermostats that can be installed on the surface of the heater. Many users also request lead wires that extend from one end that make the installation more flexible as the temperature controller is easily adaptable to this configuration. Temperatures can reach as high as 200 degrees celsius and use the high quality magnesium oxide that is also used in tubular heating elements. That allow for effective heat transfer. Finned strip heaters are a fairly inexpensive way of heating small areas and are an excellent solution to meet any budget.
Our Recommendations Finned Strip Heaters 40x70mm and 5.4W/cm²
In natural convection, horizontal mounting guarantees the best heat dissipation. In forced convection, the maximum value. is 200°C for models with zinc-aluminum alloy fins and 300°C for all types of stainless steel. The temperature on the terminals must never exceed 100°C. These temperatures must be observed depending on the speed of the air flow. The minimum recommended air blowing speed is 2 meters by seconds.
Finned Strip Heaters 40x70mm and 5.4W/cm²
They are designed for heating air or gas in natural or forced convection and are used as spare parts for ventilated air heaters and static batteries, ovens or drying tunnels, etc. Shielded resistors with rectangular or spiral fins. Coiled heating wire, insulated with strongly compacted magnesia, protected by a metal sheath. Power supply via flat clamp terminals or threaded terminals, as standard. Ranges of resistors stored or made to measure according to your specifications (power, voltage).
Carefully researched manufacturing methods and quality materials have made TEHNOCOM LIV Focşani Vrancea România. Tubular heaters from TEHNOCOM LIV stand apart from other heating elements claiming similar performance. TEHNOCOM LIV have a computer-designed helical coil of 80% Nickel 20% Chromium alloy resistance wire is fusion welded to the nickel-coated steel terminal cold pin. This coil assembly from Tehnocom Liv is precisely stretched and centered in the element metal sheath, which is then filled with Grade “A” Magnesium Oxide powder (MgO). The filled tube from Tehnocom Liv is then compacted by a roll reduction mill into a solid mass. Tubulat heaters from Tehnocom Liv it is permanently stabilizing the coil in the center of the tube while providing excellent heat transfer and dielectric strength between the coil and the sheath.
Cauți rezistenta cuptor electric cu aripioare tip platbanda si rectangulare?
Va oferim rezistentele electrice curbate. Aceasta rezistenta cuptor electric blindata curbată cu aripioare este din import UE şi este de 2 tipuri. Primul model Rezistenta cuptor fabricata din otel inoxidabil AISI304L, AISI321 de ø8mm, ø8.5mm şi 10mm si aripioare rectangulare, dreptunghiulare. Modelul 2 Rezistente incalzire cuptor electric din otel inoxidabil AISI321 de ø10mm cu aripioare circulare in spirala avand intre 7 si 8 W/cm².
Rezistentele electrice curbate blindate cu aripioare rectangulare, dreptunghiulare sunt de trei tipuri:
Rezistente cuptoare cu tub ø10 mm din otel inoxidabil si aripioare de 40×70 mm avand 5,4 W/cm². Rezistenţă cuptor electric cu tub ø8 mm din otel inoxidabil si aripioare de 25×50 mm avand 4,4W/cm² (adica varianta ofertata). Rezistenta electrica cuptor cu tub ø8,5 mm din otel inoxidabil si aripioare de 25×50 mm avand 4W/cm². APLICATII, Rezistenta electrica 5.4W/cm² si aripioare dreptunghiulare 40x70mm. Rezistentele electrice curbate sunt proiectate pentru încălzirea aerului. Rezistentele electrice curbate pot fi utilizate si la a gaze pentru incalzire în convecție naturală. Rezistentele electrice curbate cu densitate mare sunt pentru incalzirea forțată a aerului. Rezistentele electrice curbate 22W/cm² sunt utilizate ca piese de schimb pentru aeroterme ventilate și baterii statice, cuptoare sau tunelele de uscare, etc. La aceste modele aripioarele sunt fixate prin strangere.
Recomandarile Noastre, Rezistenta cuptor electric aripioare:
În convecție naturală, montajul pe orizontala, garantează cea mai bună disipare a căldurii. În convecție forțată, valoarea maximă. este de 200 °C pentru modelele cu aripioare din aliaj aluminiu zinc si 300 °C pentru toate tipurile de oțel inoxidabil. Temperatura pe borne nu trebuie să depășească niciodată 100 °C. Aceste temperaturi trebuie respectate în funcție de viteza de circulare a aerului. Viteza minimă recomandată de suflare a aerului este de 2 metri / secunda.
Roamania Tehnocom Liv Finned Strip Heaters 40x70mm and 5.4W/cm²
Cu TEHNOCOM LIV Faceţi Alegerea PERFECTĂ in ELECTRICE şi MECANICE INDUSTRIALE ! Avem Depozit şi Magazin in Focşani Vrancea România. Suntem prezenţi pe piată inca din anul 2005 !! Descopera acum oferta TEHNOCOM LIV Click pe rezistenta electrica de incalzire cuptoare Sună şi comandă acum Rezistente ELECTRICE Calitate TOP şi Etanşări MECANICE Calitate INDUSTRIALĂ ! Deţinem showroom cu desfacere directă in Focşani Vrancea România. Tehnocom Liv companie Romănească fondată din anul 2005 !! TEHNOCOM LIV ALEGEREA PERFECTA in ELECTRICE şi MECANICE INDUSTRIALE ! Avem Depozit şi Magazin in Focşani Vrancea România. Am deschis inca din 2005 !!
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